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Schedule a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Session Today

This session is all about you and your business. We will talk about marketing, sales, coaching or other business challenges that may have been preventing you from achieving the sales you want.

We’re not going to waste your time with a machine or a prerecorded call. Nor is your voice not going to be heard in a group setting with other businesses. This is not a prerecording. This is not a group call. Just you and our Director of the Braintrust Academy, one on one. As it should be.

We’ll listen, ask questions and find a solution or the next steps you should take, even if it isn’t working with us.

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ALL ACCESS to all Braintrust Programs in one location (Corporate clients pay  $3,500 per person for NeuroSelling® or NeuroCoaching™ alone)

LIVE monthly group call with Jeff Bloomfield included (Corporate clients pay $5,000 per month for access to Jeff)

Access to all current and FUTURE courseware added to The Braintrust Academy (A $1,997 per course value)

DISCOUNTED individual and group coaching sessions (50% discount v.s. what corporate clients pay)

OVER $10,000 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​IN VALUE FOR AS LOW AS $497

Enroll Now And save over 98% Today!